Hamid Salmi est psychologue franco-kabyle, formé à l’ethno-psychiatrie. Hamid Salmi est thérapeute familial et formateur en France et à l’étranger. Animateur de groupe de parole, il est attaché de recherche à l’Université Paris 8 et membre du conseil scientifique de l’Université de Vérone (Italie). Il est l’auteur d'un ouvrage en Ethnopsychiatrie et intitulé : "Thérapies et cultures" aux éditions Vuibert (2004).Description:
Hamid Salmi is a French-Kabyle psychologist, trained in ethno-psychiatry by the founder of the discipline Georges Devereux, from his birth name Győrgy Dobó, a Franco-American psychoanalyst and anthropologist of Hungarian origin, born in Lugoj on 13 September 1908 and died in Paris on May 28, 1985. He is one of the founders of the ethnopsychanalyse.
Hamid Salmi is a family therapist and trainer in France and abroad. Group speech Facilitator, Paris 8 University researcher and University of Verona (Italy). scientific council. He is the author of a book in Ethnopsychiatry entitled "Therapies and cultures" published by Vuibert (2004).